Wednesday, October 22

Travel to and fro Jaisalmer

Ok, so this was by far the most agonizing trip ever. Imagine 4 people, in a very, very small car (seriously, Americans have no conception of TATA cars. There's a reason Indian people are short)for 19 hours. That's right 19. No, it's not a typo. It's just awful. Our driver didn't even know where he was going. We told him Jaisalmer, and he was like, oh god. Luckily he had been there before, but he even had us keep him awake at the end. So we left at 6 am, and got there at 2 am. It was AWFUL. That's what you get from lying travel agents. We were told 9. And no, we didn't miss the teen. Oh India, you keep disappointing me. I'll take the time now to say the ride back had even worse food, and was even worse due to the soreness of being on a camel the day before.

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