Wednesday, October 22

Peeing children

Ok, so something hilarious happened at the hospital. On a happy note, I get to do more things, like take temperatures, and weights, and heights, and nebulize, and when the child has a swollen lymph node, the doctor says feel this, this child has tuberculosis. Sadly, this is fulfilling a dream, not quite a fairy tale, but I love it!

So at the end of the day, this family comes in with a baby, and it's appropriate to say they don't put diapers on their babies. They but a reverse thong on them, or nothing at all. Why? Not sure, I'm surprised they don't put underwear on them, if their going to put cloth on in the first place. Anyway, this family put the baby down, and surprise, it ended up peeing all over everything. This infuriated the doctor, because now he has to actually clean the bed, which he would have never done otherwise. So he starts telling them they need to put a diaper on their baby, it's better for them.

The family goes ballistic! The two women start going, no, we don't, it's not as good. and the doctor tells them how much more hygenic it is, and the women yell. It's a huge standoff, and the woman holding the baby is seriously lunging at the doctor. The husband tries to calm everyone down, tries to just get them to leave, but they calm down enough to tell the doctor why they came there in the first place. They turn the baby over, move the reverse thong and-IT HAS A RASH ON ITS BOTTOM. For real, I can't make this up.

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