Tuesday, June 17

Perros y perros y perros

I LOVE all the stray dogs here. They are adorable, and they are very friendly. They also all have little territories of their own, which means I get to see the same ones everyday and pet them. So far no fleas, so I think I´m ok. They´re very cute, and they look just like any dog you´d see in a pound. I´ve seen a husky, german shepherds, black labs, a lot of absolutely amazingly cute little spaniels, and they all just wander around, looking happy and sleepy in the sun.

There is another side to these dogs. And it comes out with the motorcycles. Motorcycles are pretty common to see in Santiago, which I think is because of the smog levels. People are trying to cut down on pollution, so vespas and harleys abound. Dogs go nuts over these motorcycles. They will run along side those things forever, barking up a storm and nipping at their feet. I mean they are vicious. I am frightened of these dogs when a motorcycle comes around. And then they get tired and go back to being their cute little selves. But it is the funniest thing when these cute little sleeping dogs here a moto, all of sudden get up barring fangs, and start to attack, and then half a block later just stop and come back and go to sleep. Sigh, I love dogs.

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