Wednesday, June 25

Gringa Party

So, Saturday night I went to a gringa party! Emily invited me to a party that Kyle, another blogger in Chile was hosting. Kyle´s mom was in town and had brought tons of candy, so it was a huge pig out time! It was really fun, and it was interesting to hear everyone´s stories of how they ended up here. Most people started with a study abroad, although a few had just come here like me. Most of them returned because of loved ones (aka hot chilenos) but there were a few again, like me, here without a loved one. Everyone was in a different stage of their travels, and I think I was the newest. Everyone else definitely knows more spanish than I do, lol. But it was luckily all in english. It was really nice tho, to meet other people who have gone through the same things I have and made it through. It gives me hope that I´ll be able to make it here too, and that I´ll know more spanish too! Thanks girls, for a great evening, and Kyle for being so welcoming!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You're welcome! If you really want to jazz things up, you can link to us so people back home can see who these random gringas you're hanging out with are :) Just edit the post, highlight a name (or whatever you want to link) and click the little chain-link button to put in the URL. This is about as fancy as I know how to get on my blog, haha.

You'll make it, just keep speaking as much Spanish as possible - ask your friends to speak Spanish with you and only use English if you don't understand - and sooner or later you'll understand a lot more.