Wednesday, November 5

Problems Walking

And I don't mean physical. I mean with the harassment. It is quite frustrating. But every day when I spend 45 min or so walking to the hospital, I have an inumerable number of people saying things to me, sometimes hello, sometimes delicious, sometimes other things. Either way, quite often it's obviously of malicious nature. Sometimes I think they just want to talk to a white person, especially a female one with blond hair. A lot of times people stop and ask if I want a ride, or if I need help. Apparently this only happens to girls, never to guys. It's frustrating cause you're always on edge in order to make sure you're ready in case someone gives you huge hassle. Usually you only get huge hassle from children, surprisingly. They're the only ones who touch me or hit me, but nonetheless it's always uncomfortable. I think the thing that is the most bothersome is that people treat you as if you aren't a real person. Like you are literally there for their amusement, and have no feelings. Granted, girls like me (white, blond) are whores in their culture. Literally, in their movies I would be a whore always and only. But I am a person, I have the same blood, 46 chromosomes, same body parts, JUST a different skin color. It's so frustrating. It feels awful. And yes, I understand so much better how minorities in America felt not that long ago, and sometimes must still feel. But it's better in the U. S. now, look who we just elected. Hopefully as India becomes more involved in the Western world they learn white people are human beings, too.

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