Wednesday, April 23

3 weeks/5 weeks and counting!

Well, I have exactly 3 weeks until I go through the Commencement ceremony and I leave college life forever. It's pretty scary, I have to admit, but it's also exciting. I've bought my ticket to Chile, and I've chosen an apartment. I in Bellavista, actually right off of Bellavista. Bellavista is sort of like the Greenwich village, or Chelsea/Soho of Santiago, so I think I'll enjoy it a lot. Not to mention it's convenient to both work and nightlife, which means no money spent on cabs! I've started to realize some things I need to buy before I leave. I'm interested in doing quite a bit of hiking and volcano climbing, so I need to buy some items, like a good sleeping bag, a small tent, a hiking backpack, boots...the list is long, and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I suppose I'll need them for years to come, but each of those items is 200 new, maybe I can get good deals on ebay? We'll see. My first final is 1 week, and in 2 1/2 weeks, I'll be done with schoolwork forever. Well, I guess med school is still school, but I find something which applies to your future career so much more enjoyable. Once May comes around, and I only have a few finals to study for I'm going to start reading up on chilean literature, history, as much as I can get my hands on. Meanwhile, I think my spanish is getting much better. I can understand pretty much everything, although I'm worried about native speakers speed. My speaking is still eh, tense changing and vocab knowledge makes it harder. Anyway, studying to do!

1 comment:

travelingone said...

Wow, sure hope I don't have to go through that complete instruction thing with your Mom every time I want to write you. hugs, Grandma