Sunday, July 27

Day 2: Santa Lucía and Canadian TV

So the second day of my dear father´s visit we did a few things. We first of all met and had breakfast at a little café near him, of which there were many. I then took him to climb my favorite cerro, Santa Lucía. I love that place, and luckily, my dad loved it too! Of course, I think I may have almost killed him, especially considering he had his hurt foot, but I kept asking if he wanted to stop! And he did great. Unfortunately it was pretty foggy, so we didn´t get the spectacular view I got on my first trip to the top.

Afterwards, the father was pretty pooped, so we went back to his hotel, where he promptly fell asleep, and I got to watch Canadian television. I can´t even remember all the movies I watched, like the one about the boy who almost won the Boston marathon and couldn´t stop masturbating in the pool, or the Canadian secret service which made no money whatsoever. However, they were surprisingly funny, and I no longer think Canada is good for nothing but caribou, so I feel our rest time had a purpose.

That night we went to dinner at R, a great restaurant where I had probably the most delicious spinach and mushroom omelette of my entire life! The ambience is beautiful, and our waiters were very nice and helpful, I would absolutely reccomend it to anyone looking for a relaxing dinner.

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